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In July of 2019, I was blessed with the opportunity to attend a leadership training in Kona, Hawaii with the Circuit Riders. The Circuit Riders are a branch under Youth With A Mission (YWAM), which is an international missions organization dedicated to presenting Jesus personally to people all across the globe. 

This two-week training in Kona was called 21 Project, which is an innovative leadership training experience that helps students grow in their relationship with Jesus, develop as a leader, and collaborate on real projects while using their own unique skill sets.


I took part in the media track, where I learned how to use media and visual communication to inspire my generation and spread the love of Christ. I was placed on a team within my track to build a campaign for the Circuit Riders' annual Spring tour, called Carry the Love. We had to work together to create a social media campaign portraying the idea of "See the Need." It was a call for our generation to remember what it was like when they were lost and to see that brokenness in others as well and not just simply walk past. 

Below is our campaign: @_seetheneed. My teammates were: Aisha Skye, Maddie Kulik, Lily Bayer, Kade Ketcheson, Jaqi Robson, Andrew Boyer, Noah Taher, Danny Bryan, Timothy StClair. 

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